Get to know us
DotConnect: Who We Are
Come along with us as our CEO, Dom Farnan, shares more about why we do what we do and what sets us apart from other recruiting agencies. You’ll get to know more about why we chose an RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) strategy rather than a traditional hiring strategy, what makes us unique as an organization, and the purpose that drives us forward.

10 things to talk to your employees about before going on vacation
So, you’ve potentially landed your dream job.Your new company is offering you an excellent salary with benefits galore. But you’re still in the middle of the hiring process — and you need to pinch yourself to make sure you’re not actually dreaming.To ensure this career is exactly what you’re looking for, you need to ask the right questions to know if you’re positioning yourself for success.After all, a job offer can be one of the most exciting moments in your budding career, but it’s essential to know precisely what you’re getting into before accepting it. The last thing you want is to agree to work somewhere you thought would be magical only to find out that it’s a dystopian nightmare where everyone wears the same gray jumpsuit.We want you to excel at everything you do here at DotConnect, and we’ve got your back when it comes to feeling out your latest job offer to ensure you’re landing in the right place.Without further ado, let’s hop into our top five questions to ask your hiring manager before accepting your new job to ensure your career has everything you need to thrive.

5 Things to Ask a Hiring Manager Before Accepting Your Offer
So, you’ve potentially landed your dream job.

How Companies Can Attract and Retain World-class Talent
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Conscious Leader with Dom Farnan and Leigh Martinuzzi
If a company posts a list of values on its website, it must be a conscious business, right?

Conscious Leader
If a company posts a list of values on its website, it must be a conscious business, right?

DotConnect: Who We Are
How do you find the right fit for your open job positions?Finding the right candidate for the open position at your company can be challenging. Many factors go into selecting the person, including experience, skills, and cultural fit. Not to mention that looking over applications, reading resumes, and reviewing applicant portfolios can turn into a full-time job all on its own.At DotConnect, we want to make the hiring process easier for you and your team. We realize that a company is only as good as its people, and it’s the people who make any brand successful. Our goal is to build relationships with candidates and understand what makes them great humans before they become great employees.Come along with us as our CEO, Dom Farnan, shares more about why we do what we do and what sets us apart from other recruiting agencies. You’ll get to know more about why we chose an RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) strategy rather than a traditional hiring strategy, what makes us unique as an organization, and the purpose that drives us forward.

How to Be a Conscious Leader
What does conscious leadership mean to you? Does it mean raising awareness for big, important global issues, like the environment, human rights, or gender equality?

DotConnect: What We Do
Is your team ready to grow, but you don’t know where to start with the hiring process?Growth can be intimidating, especially if you haven’t laid the groundwork for expansion. One of the easiest traps companies fall into is hiring the wrong people, which happens for a number of reasons. Maybe this even happened to your business. It could be that you focused too much on the resume rather than the person, or you were just unsure of who you needed at the time.At DotConnect, we’ve been in your shoes and want to give you the advice you need to make the right hiring decision.Our company has experienced times of exponential growth — we went from 1 to 85 employees in just over three years. Over that short time, we’ve problem-solved through difficult situations, achieved incredible goals, and helped clients build the team of their dreams.We can’t wait to share our story with you! Join our CEO, Dom Farnan, to learn more about our rapid growth, the strategy behind our hiring process, and the importance of relationships when working with clients and choosing candidates.

Interview with Dom Farnan Founder & CEO of DotConnect™ Influential Entrepreneurs
What does it mean to have influence?

Connecting the Dots in 2022: Our Talent Search Forecast for the Year Ahead
What does the future of work look like?While we don’t exactly have a crystal ball, many of the trends are pretty clear. Our professional lives have gone through massive shifts and set us on a whole new course for how we work. This is a welcome and long-awaited change.This is because traditional ways of working are no longer necessary and, in many ways, no longer viable. The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted gaps in healthcare and work-life balance while also proving that remote work and flexibility are entirely doable.We foresee that the trends many organizations have adopted in recent years will continue to grow and solidify, leading to a new way of work that is more conducive to well-being.Plus, we’ve seen a blossoming movement of conscious leadership. In fact, we’re at the forefront of that movement right here at DotConnect. Our founder Dom Farnan has radically altered the way she shows up at work, and it is a beautiful thing to see. Additionally, there are many other conscious leaders stepping up to this new way of being, and we couldn’t be more thrilled.Let’s take a look at the trends we expect to see in the years ahead:

The Future of Hiring Top Talent
There will always be people who need work — people who you can hire, right?

A New Era: Creating Conscious Connection When Choosing Your Professional Path
We hear a lot of sayings about how to lead a good and successful life.“You reap what you sow,” “grow where you’re planted,” and “the early bird gets the worm,” are all pretty popular idioms that were coined to help us navigate through life and become the best versions of ourselves.But lately, one of the most common sentiments about success is that you must be willing to “Do the work.” At face value, it seems to make sense when it comes to achieving goals — you have to get your hands dirty and dedicate yourself to completing the job to be successful.In the professional setting, that could mean you show up to your meetings, ensure you’re on time, and build your schedule for maximum productivity. After all, when you dedicate yourself to these things, you’ll get work done. But what about the intangible things in business?How do you go beyond the systems that make a business fiscally successful and get into the nitty gritty of fulfilling your company’s mission, vision, and values?Now, more than ever, it’s the intangibles that people are looking for in a job. They want to feel supported, cared for, and thought of as more than cogs in a machine.So how do you make that happen as a business owner? Do you find ways to invest in your employees’ retirement funds, increase their benefits packages, and open the option of unlimited PTO? Or do you do something more?At DotConnect, we believe that highly successful corporations do much more than offer a good salary with excellent benefits packages. Instead, they focus on conscious leadership that grows an inclusive corporate culture.How do they do that? We’re glad you asked.

What It Means To Be a Mentor
Think back to your greatest achievements. Did you do them all by yourself? Or did you have help?

Keywords Talent Advisors Look For in Top Talent
Do you ever get the feeling that no one is reading your resume at all?

Motivation, Meditation, + Movement: Three Ways to Create a Better Routine
Have you ever been in this situation?You wake up on Monday, ready to take on the world. Your work week is laid out in front of you, you (think that you) have a great schedule laid out so that you can balance your work life and home life, and you are sure that everything is going to go according to plan.And for most of Monday, it does.Then, the unthinkable happens. One of your clients has an urgent request that needs finishing before the week is over… schedule ruined. That simple shift in routine does more than make you feel overwhelmed at work — it affects your mood and increases your stress levels, and before you know it, your healthy work-life balance has been thrown out the window, and you’ve brought work problems home with you.We know this feeling all too well at DotConnect, and even though you may think the sky is falling when your workload changes or you need to alter your plans, it’s not the end of the world!Added stress happens from time to time, but with the proper routine, you can overcome any obstacle that stands in your way.Today, we’ll dive into three essentials to our days at Dot that can help you achieve the balance you want in life. And no, we’re not talking about the Pomodoro Technique, time blocking, and scheduling hacks — even though we love those things too.Instead, we’re about to look at the routine outside of work and the essentials for achieving an inner calmness that gives you the clarity to handle life’s unexpected changes with poise.

DotConnect’s Rituals: A Guide to Journaling for Professional Success
How many times have you gone to the store to purchase a gorgeous new notebook with the intention of starting a daily journaling practice, only to find it collecting dust on your shelf after only three days of use?Look, we don’t mean to call you out! When we were first starting out, we were guilty of that too.The thing is, journaling is an incredibly beneficial tool for personal and professional development. But like any new practice, it can be really difficult at first, especially if you don’t have any guidance in your writing.Once you get started however, there are so many benefits you may find it hard to stop! There are endless ways you can use journaling: For creativity, personal and professional growth, working through emotions, letting go of past experience, and much, much more.

One Thing to Do Today for a Better WFH Day
Are you tired of being told the same work-from-home strategies over and over again?
Let's get started
Whether you’re a business looking to grow your team, a driven individual looking to grow their career in recruiting, or a potential candidate looking for a stellar job, we have the tool you need to make a difference at DotConnect. Get in touch with us today!