From Nowhere to Now Here

From Nowhere to Now Here
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“She believed that the damage to her mind and her heart was permanent. Until she met wisdom, who taught her that no pain or wound is eternal. That all can be healed, and that love can grow even in the toughest parts of her being.”

If you’ve visited our blog before, you know we have helpful information about connecting the dots in the hiring process to find the best talent for your business. However, we like to break the mold from time to time and share empowering stories about our incredible staff. We love to celebrate our people at DotConnect because we wouldn’t be able to provide the outstanding services you’ve come to know and love without them.
We believe that everyone’s story has the potential to build others up and encourage growth. Every step we make in life is a learning opportunity, and by sharing our experiences, we open the door to share our knowledge with others.

Today, we are sharing the story of our one and only founder and CEO, Dom Farnan. Dom is our Chief Unicorn Hunter at DotConnect, and according to her, she is “a humble student of the world, a writer, a deep thinker, an Enneagram 1, a lover of the ocean, a mother, and a conscious connector.”

Join us as Dom shares her story of burnout, blessing, and rebirth. She explains how her vision of the future changed to better navigate her personal and business lives during the challenges presented by a global pandemic and economic shutdown.

Coaching Helps You Navigate Difficult Times

Everyone has plans for the future — some examples include reaching a higher level in business, finding personal peace, or creating a stronger bond with family. And even though we can set ourselves on a path for success, sometimes the world has detours. This change in plans is precisely what happened for Dom in March of 2020.
The global pandemic grew to its highest numbers at the time, and businesses either closed their doors or found new strategies to adapt to a new way of living. These changes provoked a sense of helplessness that manifested as depression in Dom’s life:

“I fell into a really deep depression. Some days I didn’t even know how I scraped myself out of bed to put on a fake smile and get through the Zoom calls that still lingered on my calendar. I’m sure I wasn’t the only person feeling helpless or like they had lost their identity overnight. … [It led me] to try to self-soothe and over-consume alcohol amongst other things and really just brought me to some dark places.”

During this low period, Dom realized that she needed to change to become the most authentic version of herself. While scrolling through social media, she noticed that one person she followed, Keven Stirdivant, was handling universal shutdown better than many around him. He kept a consistent optimism despite the state of chaos in the world, and Dom noticed one common denominator to much of his optimism — his coach, Angie Wisdom.

“It was inspiring. Keven often tagged Angie in his meetings, highlighting their weekly sessions. So at the end of May 2020, I felt compelled to reach out to her and see how she might be able to help me. I knew I wasn’t looking for a therapist; I wanted a coach. But I wanted someone who could balance personal life coaching as well as business coaching — and that’s Angie.”

Dom admits that she was “coming in hot” with the information she wanted to cover in their first few sessions. She was at a point where she was incredibly cerebral in how she was approaching her life and her business, and at the time, her ultimate goal was to push as hard as possible to be successful.

“I had a lot of my agenda that I wanted to cover with her and a lot of thoughts in my mind, but she would probably tell you that most of it was surface level. I wasn’t ready to heal or confront any of the things that were likely holding me back.”

Instead of facing the things in her personal life that would open the door to healing, Dom kept her focus on her business. In some of her early sessions, she recalls telling Angie that she knew her personal life was a mess, but she wanted to get to that later. Her business and professional life were the immediate priority.
Ultimately, Dom wanted happiness in her marriage, friendships, motherhood, and family relationships, but at the time, it seemed impossible. She felt like she had accomplished so many things in life that should have brought her fullness but was still left empty. What she didn’t realize, though, was that the real work was just beginning in Dom’s life.

Writing and Reflection Leads to Healing

From 2020 to 2021, Dom found herself with more time on her hands than usual, and even though she was still in panic mode, she thought applying for an alt MBA would be a positive distraction. More than anything, Dom hoped that this program would give her something to sink her teeth into and turn down the noise around her. Coincidentally, her MBA program began in the same month as her work with Angie.
During this intense workshop combining deep EQ work with business fundamentals and activities, Dom rediscovered her passion for writing. There were intensive writing projects throughout the program that encouraged her to write, reflect, and collaborate with others about their progress.

“This experience couldn’t have come at a better time for me. Upon reflection, it was part of my divine plan. That experience allowed me to reconnect with a passion of mine, which is writing. … I finished my alt MBA in August and remember feeling so inspired by the community and friendships I formed with people all over the world that I never met.”

The inspiration Dom gained from her MBA program fueled her passion for writing, and as a result, she began writing regularly. Dom’s regular writing habits blossomed into daily journaling that helped Dom gain a healthier perspective on her life. Each morning, she would record her thoughts, intentions, and why she was grateful for the day, which has become an essential facet of her healing journey.

Allow Your Priorities to Change

The road to healing is always full of unexpected turns. Most of the time, we are unaware of what prevents us from being the person we want to be deep down. In Dom’s case, she desired a whole and fulfilling life in every aspect of her life — not just her profession. Even though she wanted a fuller life, she felt like her position in her career and her family kept her from being open and vulnerable.
As Dom began working with her coach, she understood her place in life. She knew that she was the breadwinner for her family, which meant her purpose was to be a steady pillar of strength. This mindset pushed Dom to harden her heart and constantly strive for financial success:

“I often felt like [my heart] was a lump of coal in my chest, and there just wasn’t any feeling coming out of it. I know it sounds dramatic, but that’s honestly the only way I could describe it. I had a hard heart for 20 years, and I just began to think that there was nothing that would soften it.”

Dom’s stubborn mindset kept her from becoming transparent with herself and her coach, and it became apparent to her during a “values analysis” in one of her first sessions. In June 2020, her primary values reflected her determination to work hard and succeed financially — financial freedom, abundance, and mental stimulation.
This drive to work hard and engage in challenging situations resulted in financial and professional success but left Dom wanting more from life. She would often work over the weekend instead of spending time with her partner and her child, and for a long time, she didn’t see the imbalence in this lifestyle Ultimately, her extreme drive to work created a significant imbalance between her professional and personal selves.

“My egoic mind would make excuses for myself every weekend when I would remain glued to my computer instead of spending time with my son or partner. I would tell myself, ‘I have to work because I’m the CEO and pay the bills. If I don’t work, then nothing will get done.’”

The continued imbalance in Dom’s life led her in an unhealthy direction that increased her stress levels and anxiety and kept her from prioritizing self-care. Her continued sessions with Angie compelled her to change her direction toward personal wellness. It began with small steps like daily walks with her dogs and evolved into working with a personal trainer multiple times a week. This commitment to improved well-being showed Dom that overcoming her ego and keeping work from always taking control was possible.
Her shift toward personal improvement opened the door for Dom to fully embody what it means to be present in the moment. Instead of falling into the perpetual cycle of working excessively, she learned to find new ways to build deeper connections with her inner-being and those who mattered most to her.

“I had always been the breadwinner, and that was my persona. So putting the mother hat on was definitely a challenge for me. It felt weird and awkward because I was also a workaholic. [2020] forced me to ask more questions and listen with intention. It was not the year I had planned in my head, but it was the year that I needed for the past ten years. It created the shift and reset that I was longing for.”

Even though widespread panic and devastation were significant side effects of COVID, the pandemic also produced beautiful moments and forged stronger bonds between loved ones. In Dom’s case, it sparked a paradigm shift in her values.

“In January 2021, Angie asked me to revisit my values. The exercise was much easier this time, and it felt like a totally different list. My values had evolved into peace and tranquility, creativity, and freedom with my time. The choices that I make now in my life and business are anchored in those values.”

Now, instead of living her life with a hardened heart solely focused on economic success, Dom anchors herself in the present moment. Her new mindset allows Dom to make great strides in her family connections and has transformed her attitude toward work.

Don’t Be Afraid to Start Your Journey to Healing

Healing is a universal part of everyone’s journey. You may not be in the same situation as Dom, but there are always aspects of our lives that can change for the better. Inner-work isn’t always easy, but the rewards are more than worth the effort.

“I encourage you to do deep inner-healing work and heal yourself from the inside out. It’s a journey that only you can take, and no one else can do the work for you. No one else can heal your trauma, but when you choose to do this for yourself, you are also doing it for everybody because it has ripple effects. You’re choosing to do the work so you can live a life on a higher frequency and no longer carry the heaviness of lessons in your body.”

Thank you for joining Dom on her journey to healing! We hope that her experience has influenced you to take steps toward personal betterment and self-recovery. If you would like to learn more about her journey toward healing, watch her presentations From Nowhere to Now Here and Blossoming After Burnout.

To learn more about our philosophy on hiring at DotConnect, visit us on LinkedIn, and be sure to follow Dom as well. She regularly shares tips on being more conscious in building and growing your team.