10 things to talk to your employees about before going on vacation

So, you’ve potentially landed your dream job.Your new company is offering you an excellent salary with benefits galore. But you’re still in the middle of the hiring process — and you need to pinch yourself to make sure you’re not actually dreaming.To ensure this career is exactly what you’re looking for, you need to ask the right questions to know if you’re positioning yourself for success.After all, a job offer can be one of the most exciting moments in your budding career, but it’s essential to know precisely what you’re getting into before accepting it. The last thing you want is to agree to work somewhere you thought would be magical only to find out that it’s a dystopian nightmare where everyone wears the same gray jumpsuit.We want you to excel at everything you do here at DotConnect, and we’ve got your back when it comes to feeling out your latest job offer to ensure you’re landing in the right place.Without further ado, let’s hop into our top five questions to ask your hiring manager before accepting your new job to ensure your career has everything you need to thrive.
How to Be a Conscious Leader

What does conscious leadership mean to you? Does it mean raising awareness for big, important global issues, like the environment, human rights, or gender equality?
Interview with Dom Farnan Founder & CEO of DotConnect™ Influential Entrepreneurs

What does it mean to have influence?