How to Structure Your Work Week For Success
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Three Books That Changed the Way We Work At DotConnect
Is there anything better than sitting outside on a warm, sunny day with a great book?It’s one of life’s ultimate simple pleasures. Getting away from a screen, slowing down enough to focus on an author’s words, enriching our lives through an imaginary world, or absorbing life-changing information.We’re major bookworms here at DotConnect. We love all kinds of genres, from epic fantasy novels to classics to nonfiction reads.But we particularly love self-help, mindset, work strategy, and mental health books. This is because we’re pretty much addicted to personal development, and to feeding our minds and spirits with information to help us understand and transform ourselves in all of the best possible ways.What’s more, we don’t limit ourselves to growing only in our personal lives. We’ve bridged the personal and the professional, so we show up at work as our authentic selves, are honest about our growth, and are always actively working to create a conscious environment on the job.To keep ourselves in the habit of raising our consciousness, we all regularly read enlightening information. Raising your consciousness is a lifelong process, so it’s important to make contemplative practices a habit. That’s fine because there is nothing more satisfying than leveling up only to level up again. It’s a continuous evolution.Are you interested in raising your consciousness? We’ve got a few of our top reads for personal and professional development that are just waiting for you to pick up. They changed how we work here at Dot, and we know they’ll be game changers for you too.